Plot Targets

I have wanted to see my plots in many places. I haven't yet found one, that vega won't do.

Desktop Browser

Will open a new browser window in your desktop based browser, pointing to a temporary file.

import viz.PlotTargets.desktopBrowser
import viz.extensions.RawIterables.*

How desktop browser works

The library writes a (temporary) file, assuming that

Is available. That temporary file assumes that you have an internet connection, and can resolve

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Finally, we assume the existence of a


Which has a browser available...


And we browse to the temporary file created in step one. On some linux distributions, this may not work. Consider using the websocket target instead.


For this to work, it's far easier, to start the server, on a seperate process. You can do this using coursier in one line.

This should start a server on port 8085. Check by visiting http://localhost:8085 in your browser. It should say "connected and waiting".

You can then use the `publishToPort` plot target, which will send the spec, to the server listening on that port.

<img src="../assets/websockets2.gif" width=90% height=90% />

import viz.PlotTargets.publishToPort
import viz.extensions.*

given port: Int = 8085

Multiple plots

I often want to see multiple plots. Navigate to http://localhost:8085/view/hi, and you'll see "connected and waiting" again. http://localhost:8085/view/bob, and you'll see "connected and waiting" again.

Now, you'll need to update the desription of the chart, to match the trailing path of the url. e.g.

given port: Int = 8085
List(("A",0),("B",-8),("C",20)).plotBarChart(List(spec => spec("description") = "hi"))
List(("A",5),("B",8),("C",-1)).plotBarChart(List(spec => spec("description") = "bob"))

And both browser tabs will now update with their respective plots.


Feeds a jupyter computing instance the correct MIME type and the JSON spec, to display the plot in the Jupyter notebook (or VSCode notebook!) environment.

import viz.PlotTargets.almond
        spec => spec("title") = "Got Viz?",
        spec => {spec("height") = 200; spec("width") = 200}


Use the almond target and a .ipynb...


Gitpod support is kind of brittle and needs a little config. By default, dedav will attempt to contact port 48485 of a webserver it starts in the pod. It will detect the pod address through the gitpod environment variables.

You may change the port number, by setting the environment variable DEDAV_POD_PORT. If it is not set, it's default port is 48485.

The port number, you will need to set in the configuration of your gitpod project. In your .gitpod.yml

  - port: 48485
    onOpen: open-browser
    visibility: public

48485 is if you do not require a custom port. In your repl, try...

import viz.PlotTargets.gitpod
import viz.extensions.RawIterables.*


The duplicates command is deliberate. The first request will be ignored - it starts the webserver behind the scenes. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to wait for that process to finish, and then send the request - gitpod appears to wait to open up the ports, until the command has finished executing. I am outsmarted...

The second request however... should work...

Do Nothing

import viz.PlotTargets.doNothing
import viz.extensions.RawIterables.*


To no ones surprise, does nothing! The implementation simply executes unit (). I regret the CPU cycles :-).

Importantly, this is default behaviour - important when we reach scala JS.


Formats and prints the final JSON spec to the console.

import viz.PlotTargets.printlnTarget
import viz.extensions.RawIterables.*

// {
//   "$schema": "",
//   "description": "A basic bar chart example, with value labels shown upon pointer hover.",
//   "width": 400,
//   "height": 200,
//   "padding": 5,
//   "data": [
//     {
//       "name": "table",
//       "values": [
//         {
//           "category": "A",
//           "amount": 5
//         },
//         {
//           "category": "B",
//           "amount": 8
//         },
//         {
//           "category": "C",
//           "amount": -1
//         }
//       ]
//     }
//   ],
//   "signals": [
//     {
//       "name": "tooltip",
//       "value": {},
//       "on": [
//         {
//           "events": "rect:pointerover",
//           "update": "datum"
//         },
//         {
//           "events": "rect:pointerout",
//           "update": "{}"
//         }
//       ]
//     }
//   ],
//   "scales": [
//     {
//       "name": "xscale",
//       "type": "band",
//       "domain": {
//         "data": "table",
//         "field": "category"
//       },
//       "range": "width",
//       "padding": 0.05,
//       "round": true
//     },
//     {
//       "name": "yscale",
//       "domain": {
//         "data": "table",
//         "field": "amount"
//       },
//       "nice": true,
//       "range": "height"
//     }
//   ],
//   "axes": [
//     {
//       "orient": "bottom",
//       "scale": "xscale"
//     },
//     {
//       "orient": "left",
//       "scale": "yscale"
//     }
//   ],
//   "marks": [
//     {
//       "type": "rect",
//       "from": {
//         "data": "table"
//       },
//       "encode": {
//         "enter": {
//           "x": {
//             "scale": "xscale",
//             "field": "category"
//           },
//           "width": {
//             "scale": "xscale",
//             "band": 1
//           },
//           "y": {
//             "scale": "yscale",
//             "field": "amount"
//           },
//           "y2": {
//             "scale": "yscale",
//             "value": 0
//           }
//         },
//         "update": {
//           "fill": {
//             "value": "steelblue"
//           }
//         },
//         "hover": {
//           "fill": {
//             "value": "red"
//           }
//         }
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       "type": "text",
//       "encode": {
//         "enter": {
//           "align": {
//             "value": "center"
//           },
//           "baseline": {
//             "value": "bottom"
//           },
//           "fill": {
//             "value": "#333"
//           }
//         },
//         "update": {
//           "x": {
//             "scale": "xscale",
//             "signal": "tooltip.category",
//             "band": 0.5
//           },
//           "y": {
//             "scale": "yscale",
//             "signal": "tooltip.amount",
//             "offset": -2
//           },
//           "text": {
//             "signal": "tooltip.amount"
//           },
//           "fillOpacity": [
//             {
//               "test": "datum === tooltip",
//               "value": 0
//             },
//             {
//               "value": 1
//             }
//           ]
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   ]
// }
// res2: BarChart = BarChart(
//   mods = List(
//     viz.extensions.package$RawIterables$$$Lambda$15338/0x0000000803b79040@294f7dca
//   )
// )

Vega CLI outputs

The vega CLI allows you to output pictures to (non interactive) SVG, PNG, and PDF formats.

This library does not magically set vega cli up for you. It assumes that you have sucessfully done that yourself - i.e. probably you need node.js and have successfully run npm install -g vega-cli... and tested that worked.

Assuming we're plotting

(1 to 10).plotBarChart()


import viz.PlotTargets.pdf

as png


$import viz.PlotTargets.pdf

Markdown can't display this... but it works I promise.


import viz.PlotTargets.svg

as svg

How it works

For this library, the first class citizen is a browser...

Every time an object is created which extends the "Spec" trait, it executes the side effect. That side effect requires context, provided through a given PlotTarget which is in scope.

Those "given" targets, described below, are accessible at viz.PlotTargets.xxxxx

Many of these rely on writing temp files, and a java.awt.Desktop.browse(), and an internet connection. If your environment does not have those capabilities, then you'll need to look elsewhere or take an advanced approach.

The path of the temporary file is located in the "out" property of the case class, which is of type Unit | os.Path. If the target creates a temporary file, you may "move it around" wherever you wish, using the path as a starting point.