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Here is the comparison of the standard while
loop with the vectorised version.
import vecxt.plot.*
import vecxt.facades.*
showJsDocs.fromSpec(BenchmarkPlots.addScalarBenchmark, node)
And a comparison over time.
import vecxt.plot.*
import vecxt.facades.*
showJsDocs.fromSpec(BenchmarkPlots.addScalarBenchmarkOverTime, node)
To my surprise, the vectorised version is slower than the standard while
loop, in nearly each case and across the two environments I have to test in. Although the volatility of the vectorised version is lower, the throughput is significantly lowe
It could be, that the JDK is simply very good at optimising this case. Feedback welcomed - but as the standard while loop outperforms the vectorised version, the standard while loop
version is left included.
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