
Took me ages to figure out the best thing I could do to enable this, is absolutely nothing. mermaid api, as it shoudl work quite well out the box.

We'll use an ESM import strategy.

Create a script "mermaid.js", and place it here

      └── _assets/
              ├── js/
                  └── mermaid.js

Into mermaid.js,

import mermaid from ''

Now copy and paste this code block any .md file, and mermaid bursts into life.

<script type="module" src="../js/mermaid.js"></script>
<pre class="mermaid">
    graph LR
    A --> B
    B --- C[fa:fa-ban forbidden]
    B --- D(fa:fa-spinner);
    graph LR
    Import_Mermaid --> Make_Diagram
    Make_Diagram --> Profit
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