
When I started this project, I wasn't aware of the existence of the snippet compiler in new scaladoc.

In particular, it's ability to delegate to scastie, along with configure an artefact to be present in the scastie

val x = 1 + 1

makes new scaladoc a powerful drop in replacement for mdoc. Props to the scala 3 team.

Mdoc is integrated anyway, and may remain relevant - particulaly for corporate environments where scastie will not resove internal dependencies. Or maybe this helps to transition away from a prior solution. It may be worth noting that they play nicely together -

```scala mdoc sc:compile

Works great in docs.

Scala JS

I have not yet, managed to configure scalaDocOptions to run scastie in scalaJS mode.

MDoc could remain an attractive target for scala JS docs.

TODO : Cross publishing API scaladoc?

In this article