
Making cross plaform vector problem less... vexing

Scala cli

//> using dep io.github.quafadas::vecxt::0.0.26

// If you're on the JVM
//> using javaOpt "--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector"


import vecxt.all.*
import vecxt.BoundsCheck.DoBoundsCheck.yes

val v1 = Array[Double](1, 2, 3)
val v2 = Array[Double](4, 5, 6)

println((v1 + v2).mkString("[",",","]"))


  • Where possible inline calls to platform-native-BLAS implementations for maximum performance
  • Reasonable,, consistent cross platform ergonomics
  • Very little / no data-structures - the vector part of the library is an extension method on Array[Double] for example
  • A single cross platform test suite
  • Simplicity, speed


  • General mathematics - lets' try to keep a focus on linear algebra. See slash or breeze for more general libraries
  • Visualisation - see dedav4s