//> using dep io.github.quafadas::scautable:0.0.19
Elevator Pitch
import io.github.quafadas.table.*
case class ScauTest(anInt: Int, aString: String)
val table = Seq(ScauTest(1, "one"), ScauTest(2, "two"), ScauTest(3, "booyakashaha!"))
println(table.consoleFormat(fancy = false))
On the JVM in particular, the ability to pop it open in the browser, see and search the actual data... can be useful. Particularly if you're working with a lot of messy, csv data for example.
import io.github.quafadas.table.*
case class ScauTest(anInt: Int, aString: String)
val soComplex = Seq(ScauTest(1, "one"), ScauTest(2, "two"))
Will pop open a browser... using https://datatables.net
And your case classes are now easily visible and searchable.
Scala JS
I love scala JS, so it cross compiles, and gives you back a scalatags table. This is of questionable usefulness, but it's fun.
TODO : Laminar integration, which nobody wants but would be cool.
In this article