The server is a CLI. It has a number of flags that can be used to configure it. Here is the current list of flags and what they do. You can see these flags by running --help
in your terminal.
cs launch io.github.quafadas::sjsls:0.2.5 -- --help
Usage: LiveServer [--project-dir <string>] [--out-dir <string>] [--port <integer>] [--proxy-target-port <integer>] [--proxy-prefix-path <string>] [--log-level <string>] [--build-tool <string>] [--browse-on-open-at <string>] [--extra-build-args <string>]... [--mill-module-name <string>] [--path-to-index-html <string>] [--styles-dir <string>]
Scala JS live server
Options and flags:
Display this help text.
--version, -v
Print the version number and exit.
--project-dir <string>
The fully qualified location of your project - e.g. c:/temp/helloScalaJS
--out-dir <string>
Where the compiled JS will be compiled to - e.g. c:/temp/helloScalaJS/.out. If no file is given, a temporary directory is created.
--port <integer>
The port you want to run the server on - e.g. 3000
--proxy-target-port <integer>
The port you want to forward api requests to - e.g. 8080
--proxy-prefix-path <string>
Match routes starting with this prefix - e.g. /api
--log-level <string>
The log level. info, debug, error, trace
--build-tool <string>
scala-cli or mill
--browse-on-open-at <string>
A suffix to localhost where we'll open a browser window on server start - e.g. /ui/greatPage OR just `/` for root
--extra-build-args <string>
Extra arguments to pass to the build tool
--mill-module-name <string>
Extra arguments to pass to the build tool
--path-to-index-html <string>
a path to a directory which contains index.html. The entire directory will be served as static assets
--styles-dir <string>
A fully qualified path to your styles directory with LESS files in - e.g. c:/temp/helloScalaJS/styles
Scala-cli single module
Fire up a terminal in projectDir
| projectDir
├── hello.scala
cs launch io.github.quafadas::sjsls:0.2.5
This is the classic viteless example
Styles baby, make it look good!
With styles.
| projectDir
├── hello.scala
├── styles
├── ├── index.less
cs launch io.github.quafadas::sjsls:0.2.5 -- --styles-dir --fully/qualified/dir/to/styles
Did I mention I want a full blown SPA?
With client side routing under /app
| projectDir
├── hello.scala
├── styles
├── ├── index.less
cs launch io.github.quafadas::sjsls:0.2.5 -- --client-routes-prefix app
Stop generating my HTML. I want to bring my own.
| projectDir
├── hello.scala
├── assets
├── ├── index.less
├── ├── index.html
cs launch io.github.quafadas::sjsls:0.2.5 -- --path-to-index-html fully/qualified/path/to/assets
Note: if you're brining your own html, drop the --styles
flag - reference index.less
from your html and read docs to get it working in browser.
You need to include this javascript script tag in the body html - otherwise no page refresh.
const sse = new EventSource("/refresh/v1/sse");
sse.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
const msg = JSON.parse(;
if ("KeepAlive" in msg) console.log("KeepAlive");
if ("PageRefresh" in msg) location.reload();
Full stack - need proxy to backend
With a backend running on 8080
and a frontend on 3000
, it is configured that requests beginning with api
are proxied to localhost:8080.
Also, we're now using mill. We need to tell the cli the frontend module name and the directory the compiles JS ends up in.
cs launch io.github.quafadas::sjsls:0.2.5 -- \
--path-to-index-html /Users/simon/Code/mill-full-stack/frontend/ui \
--build-tool mill \
--mill-module-name frontend \
--port 3000 \
--out-dir /Users/simon/Code/mill-full-stack/out/frontend/fastLinkJS.dest \
--proxy-prefix-path /api \
--proxy-target-port 8080 \
Static site, no build tool.
This would serve the static site build with the docJar
C:\temp\live-server-scala-cli-js> cs launch io.github.quafadas::sjsls:0.2.0 -- --path-to-index-html C:\\temp\\live-server-scala-cli-js\\out\\site\\live.dest\\site --build-tool none --browse-on-open-at /docs/index.html
You need to include this javascript script tag in the body html - otherwise no page refresh.
const sse = new EventSource("/refresh/v1/sse");
sse.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
const msg = JSON.parse(;
if ("KeepAlive" in msg) console.log("KeepAlive");
if ("PageRefresh" in msg) location.reload();