
Aims to be a batteries included, one stop shop plugin to document a scala3 library published and built with mill.

Quickstart build.sc to publish a website, for a module foo, which extends PublishModule

import $ivy.`io.github.quafadas::millSite::0.0.38`

import io.github.quafadas.millSite..SiteModule

object foo extends ScalaModule with PublishModule{}

object site extends SiteModule {
  override def scalaVersion = T("3.3.1")
  def moduleDeps = Seq(foo)

which expects


with which, it shoudl be possible to run

$ mill site.publishDocs

After which , one can serve the static there using javas SimpleHttpServer (java 18+)

$JAVA_HOME/bin/jwebserver -d [[output of mill show site.publishDocs]]

So far, so good. But slow. Sluggish, and sluglike.

Live reload

Setup, install browser-sync

npm install -g browser-sync


In terminal 1.

$ mill -w site.live

And in terminal 2.

$ mill site.browserSync

Will re-generate the site and reload the browser every time you save an edit to a doc file.

Website Dev

Abbreviated task heirachy.

flowchart TD
    *.mdoc.md --> mdoc
    *.md --> site.docOnlyGen
    mdoc --> site.docOnlyGen
    *.scala --> site.apiOnlyGen
    site.docOnlyGen --> site.live
    site.apiOnlyGen --> site.live

See configuration for more details on getting a good live reload experience.


Relies on mills built in (and better tested!) docJar task.

flowchart TD
    docJar --> site.publishDocs


IMHO, scaladoc is a beautiful paradox, it does everything I want... but too slowly!

This plugin sets out 4 different ways to generate scaladoc, depending on your use case.

docJar publishDocs apiOnly docOnly live
Fast x x
Publishable x
Live reload x
Asset preview x x

Plus, some sane default flags for scaladoc.


Vanilla mill has a docJar task, which generates a jar containing the scaladoc for the module. This is fast, but not publishable

  • Out the box, the way scaladoc treats assets (images) it appears one needs to choose between a markdown preview in IDE, or correct publishing.
  • Incremental change is very slow, for a non-trivial API, making it awkward to work with.
  • You have to put in the headspace, to figure out where the website is and mangle the path yourself... easy but annoying.


$ mill site.publishDocs

A directory you can publish. Simple.

  • Fixes asset links
  • Source links should work properly

But slow...


$ mill site.apiOnlyGen

Skips the docs - if you're doc authoring, the API probably isn't changing - so we use mills cache, to avoid regnerating the API. This can speed up the feedback loop on the docs you are writing (if doc gen is slow).


$ mill site.docOnlyGen

Doesn't include API generation - this gets us a fast feedback loop to process your actual docs. It janks live realoding though, because of the delete / recreate default behaviour.

Also, as the API doesn't exist, API links won't work properly.


$ mill site.live

Publishes incremental content updates by relying on apiGenOnly and docGenOnly to enable live reload.

Downside : links to the API, can't work by construction. They'll look broken here, but the upside is an otherwise great editing experience.